Welcome to my About Page

"Hello, my name is Kimberly Spicer."
I'm a woman who likes to keep learning and has an eye for design. As times change, technology and creativity has become one incredible opportunity for design-minded folks to find new careers. A new career was calling to me......Web Development and Design.

As a young woman, I entered the beauty industry as a cosmetologist and platform artist. After 7 years working long hours, nights and weekends, this gal needed a work/life balance, which gave me the chance to explore the corporate banking world. I learned a lot about business dos and don'ts, the financial world, and being a team member working towards a common goal.

Once my children arrived, my focus became community-minded. Staying home raising my children, volunteering at school and community organizations turned my attention to the students of my town. This is where love of learning and teaching was revealed in my heart. After deciding to go back to college, I found my passion! Web Development and Design had all the elements I was looking for; creativity, continue education, and developing a product that delights my clients.